Contract Comparison

Design Professionals play a critical role in the Design-Build Process

One of the most common misconceptions about the design-build process is that the contractor actually has architects and engineers on staff that create the design documents. Although some design-build contractors do complete working drawings with their staff, Paul Hemmer Company believes that the objectivity of third party design professionals is crucial to a design-build project’s success.

Technically, the design-build simply means that the builder is responsible for contracting for the design–not actually doing the design. This critical component for success in a design-build project is the ability of the construction manager to direct the design in order to manage the project budget and schedule.

Third party design professionals on a design-build project provide a number of benefits, including:

Expertise: Third party design professionals can be selected based on their knowledge and expertise

Knowledge: Although a contractor may have extensive knowledge, third-party design professionals bring added experiences from other projects and knowledge that benefits the entire team

Objectivity: part of the role of a third-party design professional is to bring objectivity to the project. The checks and balances of a good design-build team works together to achieve something better than they could individually where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Synergy: the benefit that results when a team works together to achieve something better than they could individually where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

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